Tuesday, 27 September 2011

This IS Sh!t Theatre - promo

Long-time Sh!t collaborator Helen Simmons came to us the other day with a film proposal. Basic concept: Anvil the Story of Anvil  [heartwarming rockumentary about failed but respected US heavy metal band Anvil]  plus Sh!t Theatre [little-known megalomaniac performance artists from London] equals Awesome.

We have a meeting scheduled for this week, so more info coming soon on that, but for now please enjoy the promo vid which Helen put together in a matter of hours to give us an idea of the style she is aiming for. We particularly like how we are just the right amount of not in tune. I mean, it sounds almost as if it wasn't intentional! Hilarious!

We are recording our half-hour radio exclusive for Resonance 104.4 FM on TUESDAY 18TH OCTOBER at 10.30PM in London Bridge. There are limited spaces for audience members, but the 15 most impressive laughs will get in and will feature on our show as our live laughter track. Sean from Resonance FM seemed to think we'd work better with a live audience. Maybe because it will help point listeners in the direction of the bits which are supposed to be funny. Anyway, let us know if you would like to get in on that. Helen Simmons will be filming for 'This IS Sh!t Theatre', so if you do not wish to be in a future Indie classic, find something else to do that Tuesday.

You can contact us here, on Facebook (Shit Theatre https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shit-Theatre/155992717748692) or email shittheatre@gmail.com


Monday, 5 September 2011

It's Sh!t In September

I’m on hold to Inland Revenue, begging for updates on my tax rebate just in case it means I can afford the tube fare to the pub. Oh, how the mighty etc etc!

Back from Shambala and the sh!t summer has finally drawn to a close. Louise still can’t face unpacking. Lazy, or sentimental? Neither fuckers! She’s just really busy with our WINTER PLANS! That’s right, ‘Sh!t Theatre Hit Back ’11’ in the ongoing wind and rain is already in motion. For starters, I’m sure you all saw Louise live at Laugh Out London last Friday night (put the next LOL Live in your diaries for Fri 16th Sept);

 Sh!t Theatre have signed up to intern with Duckie and their massive Christmas show ‘Copyright Christmas’ at the Barbican, exploring Capitalism and all its bad bits and everything we love to talk about, so December is busy already. We are also chatting to the Duckie guys about other Sh!t Theatre possibilities, more info coming soon we hope!  

I am w(h)ining again with GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN for ‘Bitten’ on September the 23rd at the Roundhouse, and we are starting to put together a line-up of greatness for a long-planned Sh!t Theatre night. (Working Title : Awesome Shit, Or Some Shit). Featuring magic, music, burlesque, poetry, who knows, stay tuned.  

We are also talking about imparting improv knowledge to some posh school boys in South London after meeting a nice man at Shambala’s Rebel Soul Tent.

Photos from Shambala coming soon once we get our underwater cameras developed (necessary in that rain). For now, here’s the sole picture of us performing in a yurt!

Joel Hunziker

Shambala, by the way, was insane. Amazing. The Rebel Soul hippies hated our first set, maybe because of the dead babies, maybe because it was midnight on a Friday and they’d had too much MDMA to know who their hands belonged to. AWKWARD. However, all was not lost, and our second Rebel Soul set on Sunday at 7.30pm and our appearance at the Compass tent proved there are enough dead baby lovers still out there! Thanks to everyone who came to see us!