Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Sh!t Theatre UNCUT

Sh!t Theatre will be doing our "witty political satire in song form exclamation mark" at UK Uncut's Stand up for the alternative Comedy Bail-in this Saturday 26th alongside bajillions of communists, gays and hippies! Celebrating our love for banks and all things bankable alongside Josie Long, Mark Thomas and other way more famous people than us. Meet at Soho Square at 2PM!!

Seriously though, support the fight against cuts and big ol' corporate tax dodging bad guys this weekend.

Friday, 4 March 2011

A Sh!t fan video

For your enjoyment, our video from the Shunt performance 'Slick Theatre, the UK no.1 Sh!t Theatre Tribute band'!....

Many thanks to genius Helen Simmons for making it.

Also, stay tuned for more info on Sh!t Up North II. Louise is juggling rehearsals for Julia Bardsley's Open AiR performance, but we will hopefully make it up to Leeds on Saturday 13th for a night of punk, hardcore, noise, skiffle, politics and Sh!T!


Apologies to our many fans and followers for the lack of posts recently. We are awaiting some documentation bits from Shunt so expect some awesome pics and vids soon. Maybe.
Hey, you're a trendy lot, right? Well as you well know, Lou and I are big into our fashion and clothes. The other day at the pub I was wearing this old jumper my dad didn't want and looked over to notice that Louise was wearing an old shirt... That my dad didn't want. That's just one example. Anyway we will be providing entertainment this Saturday at the UCL Modo Fashion Show (near Euston/ Warren Street for those tubing it). Tickets £8.00
We will be exploring such topics as:
 - A Linda McCartney Vegetarian version of Lady Gaga's meat dress
 - Primark's new ethical campaign: Sponser the baby who made your shirt!
 - Sucking cock.

More SH!T coming soon! x