Sunday, 7 November 2010

Guy Fawkes is sh!t

It's a sad time for all us Catholics, constantly reminded of our failure to end the English democratic process. Thankfully this week can only get better!  Open AiR Festival is starting, hurray, and with AiR Supply we will be hosting the after-party on Friday night (12th), where we will be plying artists with costco wine and also previewing our first AiR Supply promotional film.

Saturday night (13th), Sh!t Theatre will be live and totally uncensored at 'Sweet Delight and Endless Night' on Great Eastern Street after 9pm ( The Burqa King piece will feature an added new extra bit which we are very (possibly overly) excited about.'s a date for your 2011 diaries: Sh!t Theatre will be performing at Duckie on Saturday 20th August. August! Anything could happen between now and then!

Finally, sitting on the sofa next to me in our new home, Louise says she likes her satsumas like she likes her women. Dry and wrinkly.

Have a good Sunday!

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