Sunday, 6 May 2012

May I?..

Hello world, happy Bank Holiday. Busy weeks for Sh!t Theatre just passed, Lou has been working as Amy Lame's Technical Manager for 'Unhappy Birthday' and I have been gigging a lot, including a new one-to-one bit about the mayoral elections for Live Art Speed Date at the Land of Kings Festival.

Despite overall being Very Busy Important Business People we managed to get down to The Camden Head this Saturday 5th May for Lolitics at The Camden Crawl Festival. We were quite late turning up so we did what was probably quite a sweaty 8 minutes and then had to run off again on our separate ways. I managed to catch Sir Ian Bowler MP before I had to leave and he was most excellent and next time I think I will probably vote Tory. This week we also confirmed dates with Bethnal Green Working Mens Club for the Summer, so put THURSDAY 5TH JULY and THURSDAY 26TH JULY in the diaries for performances of Sh!t Theatre present: Sh!t Theatre's JSA (Job Seekers Anonymous) + our club night 'office party for the unemployed'.

This week we're getting started on our Sh!t Theatre JSA workshops with AGLOW, the association of Greater London Older Women. Our preview of the show will be at PULSE Fringe Festival on May 29th in Ipswich.
 - On Friday 11th we are competing at the 'Funny Women Awards'  - queue oxymoron jokes - in Soho for the grand prize of a year's supply of Blue Nun & some make-up (seriously).

 - Sunday 13th we are back at the Wilmington Arms with Problem Child for some more of London's finest or at least most regular long-form improv.

- Monday 14th we return to Richard Strange's Cabaret Futura in Kensal Green. Hurray!

-Wednesday 16th we are previewing the mammoth with Phil O'Shea, probably at a completely inappropriate comedy venue. For more info on that, follow us on Twitter @shittheatre

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